Sam King

Sam King

"A crossing point of existence"

Acrylic, spay + house paint on concrete

Size-  7m x 6m

March - July 2019


"A crossing point of existence"

Sam’s aesthetic is a surreal exploration of underling themes such as philosophy of mind, ontology and art history.

His work is self-effacing, challenging western concepts like the separation of mind and body as urged by figures such as Descartes in his famous cogito. King in doing so enters into a process of physical dissolution of dualist precepts like in his study of Francis Bacon whom, he creates enact then dismembers the composition in particular the eye.

This is significant as it is not only an organ that apprehends the world, but marks a liminal window into each individual’s soul. The ‘visceral’ is what King seeks to engender within the eye and spirit of the individual gazing into his dream like compositions.


Follow @samking_art

Print release soon.