Michiel ten Bokum

Michiel is based in Holland and studied Fine Art at the Akademie voor Kunst en Vormgeving, Den Bosch and at De Ateliers Amsterdam. He works with painting, drawing and sculpture. The overall thematic of his work is propelled by his personal obsessions with humour and self-mockery mixed with his personal expression, which shapes his ideas.

A leitmotif in the practice of Michiel ten Bokum is his never ceasing anthropologic interest in the social structures of the local community. in a gritty mix of fine art and twisted pop culture, his work reflects an obvious love for underdogs and outsiders. Subjective observations of violence, individual insanity and all forms of abjectness, are moulded into paintings and objects in a most vulgar and politically incorrect way.

More details 

Contact - sales@outsidethezonegallery.com